we are here mainly doing B2C apparel industry digital platform and Advertising service. Then here we are going to introduce for you “How you can can work with us through our payment sydtems. Finally you can realize how we process on you in our platform.
Our b2c network
Here we explained how you can work with open your store in our platform.
we are essentially proposing the “product commission payment system” for vendors and merchants. It states that after you become a vendor or merchant in catrun, you can sell “apparel related items/products” online, as well as those that are featured on the catrun website.
When you sell any product here, after receiving an order for a product, a commission of 6% of the sales value of that “product / item” will be charged.
This means that we do not charge any product for any product sold in the first month of your engagement, and from the second month onwards we charge a commission of 6% on every product you sell.
To explain further, we charge a commission of 6% on every product you sell
Ex:- 1). Rs.1,000 value of item/product you sold, then 6% of it owns us( catrun) and
other 94% of it owns you.
2). Rs. 1,000 and Rs.500 two produts when you sold. Then it collecting as,
1,000 = 6% ( owns catrun ) – Rs.60 commission fee
= 94% ( owns seller ) – Rs. 940 seller income,
500 = 6% ( owns catrun ) – Rs.30 commission fee
= 94% ( owns seller ) – Rs. 470 seller income .
Note this, This percentage is current and may change in the future due to internal and external conditions in the business environment. However, we will inform you about it in due course.
Our Advertising network ( advertising stream )
Our other function is Advertising service for any organization ( conditions available ). Then we introduce this opportunity for not only clothing vendors, all any organizations can advertise here as promoting activities. So, you will can fill your online form in catrun site then, you can after processing time it will showing.
Currently we charge per one banner( Ad ) Rs.300.
Note this, This is currently value of advertising charge and may be in future it will able to change.
How you pay for us ?
For apparel sellers (vendors/merchans)
Typically multi vendor site is directly collect order’s money then, after period they are keep hold their commission value and after site’s owner will transfer vondr’s revenue.
According to current situation, we are not collecting money directly, due to still it installing.
Then we ( catrun ) will send to you end of month send your monthly sales report. Then, there will be mention your total commission fee. Then you need to transfer it our Bank account.
Then we send your sales report through “E-mail and Whatsapp”. There mentioned our Bank account details then, you will can transfer your commission fee to us.
Steps:- 1). You will can get your monthly sales report.
2). You will can analysing your total income.
3). You will can transfer to us your commission fee.
We need to mention something, for apparel sellers can advertise their products in catrun platform. Then it also you can do request about it to us and you can transfer advertising charge to our bank account and after your payment it will be.
Note:- please send your money transaction with evidence ( receipt, transaction image ) for an E-mail or whatsapp to us. Because we detecting by that evidence about the task.
For Advertising with us ( advertising stream )
As above mentioned, you ( catrun seller or other business party) can advertising with us after filling your catrun digital form as requesting/ interesting for advertising with us.
( check advertising rules & informations for more details)
After you filled form, it will take time for processing. Then you can transfer your payment to our account. After advertising banner will update our platform.
Note:- please send your money transaction with evidence ( receipt, transaction image ) for an E-mail or whatsapp to us. Because we detecting by that evidence about the task.
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